You're here - woohoo! I couldn't be happier that you've landed on this page.

Welcome to Your Health Library- where you're empowered with a simple and no-nonsense approach to health.

As a Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Herbalist, Homeopath but more importantly, a Mum to five children (that are six years and under), believe me when I say all these eCourses and eBooks are filled with simple and doable strategies. Nothing is too time consuming or in the too hard basket. After all no-one has time for calorie counting (boring, right?!), fads (so unsustainable!) or expensive superfoods (save your moolah for coffee and holidays!)

If you're ready to improve digestion, mood, energy, sleep, metabolism, hormones, immunity and wellness, you've come to the right place.

You'll learn simple, doable and sustainable health principles, tips, tricks, kitchen staples, meal ideas and wholefood recipes that will uplevel your health!

Take a squiz below and see what courses or eBooks take your fancy.

A heads up - if you're wondering where to start, the Foundations Bundle is the most popular place to place and best value. It has you completely covered with an eCourse plus a recipe eBook!

A little bit about me...

I'm a nutrition nerd with a few quirky obsessions I'm willing to reveal to you. Here goes - chocolate (it'd be a daily consumption), cookbook hoarder (pictures are a must, seriously!), boxer dogs (the slobber IS the appeal) and board games - any board game will do! (I'm rather good at cheating - I'm a sore loser even to my six year old son).

Now, the ‘serious’ stuff…

I'm an accredited Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Herbalist and Homeopath, and I've worked in the health industry for over ten years.

I hold a Degree in Health Science from the University of Western Sydney. I also hold an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy, Herbal Medicine and Homeopathy, from the Australasian College of Natural Therapies (ACNT), where I was also awarded the prize for Outstanding Naturopathy Graduate. 

I’m registered with Australasian Traditional Medicinal Society (ATMS), which ensures practitioners maintain professional standards and education.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

A Program Graduate

“What a program... literally the best health program I’ve ever participated in!

The videos are personable with easy to follow recommendations.

Olivia's energy, enthusiasm and care also made this a fun learning experience. And it works! I feel informed and in control of the choices I make each day.

Together we’ve solved ongoing health issues (lost weight and lowered LDL cholesterol) and I’ve never felt better. I can’t thank Olivia enough!”