Hydration can change the trajectory of your health!

Water is hands-down the most important nutrient. Water and salt are the ultimate duo, they go hand-in-hand.

Here's why...

  • Aids digestion and absorption - increases enzyme production
  • Supports muscle growth & aids recovery
  • Promotes bowel regularity (softens stools)
  • Supports healthy metabolism
  • Aids thyroid function
  • Regulates energy & mood
  • Promotes healthy immunity
  • Can reduce allergies & asthma (by regulating histamine)
  • Transports toxins out of cells
  • Promotes healthy blood pressure
  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels
  • Promotes a fat burning metabolic state
  • Supports healthy insulin levels
  • Balance hormones

...and so much more!

We know the importance of water - after all, we can only survive for a few days without water but we can survive without food for weeks.

For me, water is one of key pillars of health for a great foundation. It comes at zero cost and involves little effort; when you drink enough water for your body to thrive it can affect every single cell and organ in the body. However, it's not just about sculling copious amounts of water - too much water can have dangerous effects on the body (and drive dangerously low sodium).

What's Included:

  • 2 x video tutorials (and audios) on Water for Life
  • Water fr Life Daily Checklist
  • Bonus interviews with Health Experts including Cyndi O'Meara from Changing Habits and Zara D'Cotta from A Healthy Home
  • Plus, Five Key Pillars of Health Worksheet
  • Plus, Five key Pillars of a Healthy Home Worksheet

I designed this program to be a 2-week program, but it’s self-paced, which means you can move through the content more quickly or slowly. You'll need a bit of time on the implementation front, and don't worry, I've got you covered here with a daily checklist to keep you on track.

You can also choose whether you’d prefer to watch the webinar recordings or listen to the audio. And there's a daily checklist so you don't get stuck with the implementation side of things.

Are you ready to create really simple and doable habits that will enhance your health? Let's go...

Let's get started

Water for Life Graduate

“Olivia has an amazing ability to communicate critical pieces of information without you even realising, every interaction just feels like a conversation with your best friend. 

Somehow, the information manages to stick with you so that hours/ days/ weeks later you will be sitting at your desk feeling like you might be hungry but instead you get yourself a glass of water, without even thinking about it!

I think that the key to Olivia’s success is that everything she says is presented in a way that is easy to understand and even easier to implement. This is an incredible gift, particularly when you consider the life changing implications of what she is saying.”

Amelia | 2020