Health isn't a luxury

Nourished is my transformational 12-week naturopathically designed program to help you restore your gut, happiness and health, for good.

Here’s the thing… health isn’t a luxury. You can be busy, wearing a lot of hats, and still thrive; physically and emotionally. Just because our lives are full and we’re juggling a lot of balls, it doesn’t mean we should be waking tired or starting the day feeling overwhelmed. Our norm doesn’t need to be lethargy, ‘off’ digestion, cravings, or holding onto unwanted weight. Health isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

I believe you to “have it all”!

This is why Nourished was born

Imagine 3 months from now you could...

  • Wake up feeling refreshed
  • Regain energy and vitality (without the 'normal' 3pm crashes or fatigue)
  • Give dieting, fads and sugar cravings the flick, for good
  • Ditch unwanted centimetres off the waist and find your healthy weight
  • Develop immune resilience
  • Rewrite your relationship with food and breakup with self sabotage and self limiting beliefs
  • Understand how to truly nourish your body & create a healthy plate at every meal
  • Gain a deeper understanding of nutritional gaps, deficiencies, imbalances and gut microbiome issues that have kept you 'stuck' and stagnant with your health
  • Become the expert in your own health by learning, implementing and creating practical strategies, healthy habits and a good foundation of health

Nourished is for you if;

  • You're feeling 'stuck' with your health and you're ready to work an accredited natural medicine practitioner
  • You may know what you 'should' be doing but you feel time-poor, overwhelmed or confused about where to start
  • You want an evidence-based approach to identify nutritional gaps, functional testing markers and issues with your gut, metabolism, mood, energy, inflammation and immunity (this is why the stool testing is included in your welcome kit)
  • You’re open to making small, doable changes to your life
  • You’re a doer and you’re ready to transform your relationship with food (say goodbye to Dr Google, fads and self sabotage)
  • Learn how to eat and cook simply, seasonally and affordably to nourish your body and mind.

Do you have a history of one or more of the following?:

  • Digestive concerns or gut issues (such as diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, IBS, Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease)

  • Immune dysfunction (such as eczema, tonsillitis, allergies, allergic reactions, hayfever, autoimmune issues, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)

  • Metabolic issues (you feel like you gain weight easily or find it hard to lose/maintain weight, sugar cravings, insulin resistance, type II diabetes, etc.)

  • Hormonal issues (such as PCOS, endometriosis and challenging perimenopause/menopause symptoms)

  • Mental health issues or mood swings (a tendency to feeling easily overwhelmed/stressed, fatigue, anxiety or depression)

Nourished is a 3-month program because if you've had any of the above health challenges for more than a few months, a one-off consultation with Olivia or a quick-fix approach isn't going to work - 3 months is the perfect amount of time to correct deficiencies/imbalances and create changes and momentum for long-term health and vitality.

Hi, I'm Olivia!

I’m a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist and Homeopath. I’m also a mum to five kids that are 8 years old and under. I’m a coffee lover, board game addict and down-to-earth Kia carnival driver, with a soft spot for boxer dogs.

I deeply believe in helping you restore health and happiness without the exxy supplements, fads, rigid protocols or any of the wellness fluff.

Nourished is my signature program. It doesn’t scratch the surface or ‘do’ quick fixes. It’s much deeper than that. We cover mindset, thought patterns, shopping habits, food choices, cooking, nutrition 101, creating a healthy plate, understanding your gut microbiome and optimising absorption, eating for healthy hormones, and so much more in this program, so that you experience long-term changes, rather than a band-aid solution.

Nourished is the answer for a tired, irritable, looking-for-another-way person. Nourished gives us the time and space to put together all the different puzzle pieces. This more holistic approach allows us to address your underlying causes and imbalances to give you doable, long-term, sustainable results.

Let's take a closer look...

You receive immediate access to 12 self-paced online learning modules:

  1. Foundations of health
  2. Nutrition basics and how to create a healthy plate
  3. Gut health 101
  4. Gut health 102
  5. Restoring a nourished microbiome (+ bonus fermented food cooking tutorial)
  6. Hormones and health (a deep dive into thyroid hormones, sleep hormones, stress hormones and sex hormones)
  7. A nourished mindset 
  8. Children’s nutrition (what and how much food children need to thrive)
  9. Eating and shopping for wholefoods. Ditching additives.
  10. Pantry staples (+ a bonus virtual shopping tour with me)
  11. Eating seasonally and on a budget (+ 12 healthy family meals for under $12)
  12. Moving for nourishment (exercise, breath work and meditation)

Bonus access to cheat sheets, work sheets, meal planner, diet diary and recorded webinars

The nitty gritty

You'll receive your welcome kit and stool test within 2 weeks of joining the program (Aus wide).

You'll be given immediate access to the online learning modules, which you can access for 12 months.

Your 4 x 1:1 consultations (online via Telehealth/Zoom or face-to-face at the clinic) are within a 12-week period.

Choose what suits you


Q: Why is Nourished different to other health programs?

A: Nourished is a hybrid of pre-recorded modules, 1:1 consultations & conversations directly with me, which enables you to learn and move through the educational content as quickly or slowly as you like, while having a personalised plan.

If I’m honest, Nourished probably isn’t the place for someone that is OK feeling sick and tired or they make excuses. I can’t do the work for you, unfortunately. But as your teacher, number one fan and health cheerleader, I keep you accountable, empowered and moving forward in a no-fluff, non-judgy way!

The benefit of doing the stool test means we don’t have a one-size fits all approach or have a scattergun approach; we get specific with our goals, nutrition and strategies to address your digestion, hormones, immunity and detoxification. Nourished wouldn’t work as a 4 or 6 week program; it’s a 3-month experience, which gives us the space to go right back through basics and do a deep dive into nutrition, macronutrients, micronutrients, gut health, liver and detoxification, creating a healthy plate, eating for your hormones and mindset. The knowledge and new skills will change the way you shop, cook, eat, think and move, for good. These changes have a knock on effect with your children, family and friends.

Q: How do I access the course content?

A: As soon as you join Nourished, you’ll be given immediate access to our online learning portal (Teachable), which is where you’ll receive weekly learning modules, in the form of videos and audio. You get bonus checklists and worksheets in here too. We will schedule your online 1:1 naturopathy and nutrition consultation within 2-3 weeks of joining Nourished.

You also want to keep an eye on your letterbox, as you’ll receive a welcome kit from me with some goodies + your stool test.

Q: How long do I have access to the course?

Your four 1:1 consultations are booked within a 12-week window.

You have 12 months access to all videos, worksheets and materials. This way you can move through the 12 self paced modules as quickly or as slowly as you like.

All PDFs are yours for life!

Q: What are the benefits of a gut metabiome stool test?

A: The stool test gives you a snapshot of your digestive system, which is the seat of your health. The clarity and relief you get from a stool test is next-level; you finally get answers. Don't forget your gut impacts EVERY single body system, including metabolic health, appetite, weight, mood, energy, sleep, inflammation, detoxification and immunity.

Q: Who should do a stool test?

A: Anyone who poos! I'm not even kidding! Think of your bowel habits, regularity and stool appearance/formation as your body's report card. It tells you when things are on track or all out of whack.

Q: I don't like cooking. Will I suit this program?

A: Nourished focuses on simple, no-fuss, low-key, mid-week meals to feed a family. A lot of the wholefood, healthy recipes are 10 ingredients or less (so minimal effort in the kitchen, I promise) and you'll learn how to make 12 family meals for less than $12 per meal!

Q: What kind of results can I expect?:

Everyone has unique health needs + goals and will experience individual results in the program. Your progress will depend on your motivation, willingness and your own unique body.

But know this, you can achieve transformative, life changing and abundant results. A graduate from Nourished had this experience:

“I joined the ‘Nourished’ online 12-week program with Olivia last year. Since then I have learned valuable ways to nourish my body with correct ways of eating.

15kg weight loss has proved it works.

Fasting, switching to almond milk, not eating late, eating enough protein for my body weight, my gut health awareness and of course drinking enough water daily are all contributing to the new healthier me.
Olivia is so lovely to work with. I wish I met her years ago. She talks a lot of common sense and I love seeing how she lives her life. If someone with 5 kids can do it, I have no excuse!”

-Justine Kelso, 2023

Google review

Example Curriculum

  Welcome to Nourished
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Courses & eBook
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1 - Foundations of Health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2a - When to eat for health (fasting safely)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2b - Nutrition basics (What to eat and how to create a healthy plate)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - Gut Health 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - Digestion, absorption and elimination
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - Nourishing your gut microbiome
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - Hormones & Health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7 - Creating a nourished mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8 - Children's Nutrition
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9 - Ditching additives
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 10 - Pantry Staples
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 11 - Eating seasonally and on a budget
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 12 - Moving, Thinking and Future Nourishment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Virtual Shopping Tour
Available in days
days after you enroll